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The Electronero Pulse Launch

The ETN/ETNX 1:1 hard fork took place on block 307,000 and the ETNX/ETNXP 1:1 hard fork was finalized at block height 510,800 and all Electronero and Electroneum owners are defacto Electronero Pulse ETNXP owners. Claim your ETNXP 1:1 until the upcoming hard fork of ETNX/ETNXP.

While existing solutions offer to solve just one problem at a time, our team is up to build a secure, useful, & easy-to-use currency on a private blockchain. It includes an easy cryptocurrency payments integration, mobile experience, Electronero passport, a one time account for all services iOs Android Web and Telegram wallets, a community arbitration network and games integrations. In the spirit of embracing diverse trends in the crypto space, we're also exploring possibilities for meme coin integrations. By embracing the meme coin phenomenon, we aim to provide our users with a diverse range of investment options and opportunities for fun and engaging experiences. You can visit https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/best-meme-coins-invest-top-picks-exponential-gains-calsona-iorle to find the best meme coins for quick profits.

Electronero Pulse strives to be truly efficient with fast sync optimization, ASIC resistant proof of work algorithm, and provide reliable support to our users.


Public ETNXP stagenet launched on November 11, 2018 (approximate block height 500,000 of ETNX). The ETNX/ETNXP hard fork finalized at block height 510,800 and followed by a public release of desktiop graphical users interface and command line wallets, mining pools and exchanges listings. Electronero passport protocol access was provided with an easy-to-use mobile integration. Getting ready for hard fork ETNXP/ETNXC.

Electronero core developers began by adjusting emissions to fix ETNX supply, rewards, network fees. As a result of a world wide caucus held between the electronero core team. 19+ members from different parts of the globe were selected as team after participating in volunteer contributions to the Electronero community. The internal organization brings with it some discussions and many votes were cast. The votes were split and two coins were formed from the hard fork, which was announced on BitcoinTalk at or around block 407,001 ETNXP, a segregated alternative and mineable coin with chain specific parameters and a common goal was formed on the Electronero blockchain. The snapshot took place on block 500,000 date of arrival for the hard fork expected was October 30th, 2018, however the fork arrived in mid November, 2018. Electronero coin will focus it's usages to Smart Contracts and Mobile development, while Electronero smart node token Electronero Pulse is be dedicated for Gaming, Esports, Competitions and Bounty. Participating ETNX was transferrable to ETNXP in 1:1 ratio for ETNX coins held in Electronero mobile wallet application or participating exchanges ETNX wallets. More hard forks soon! Stay tuned!

Download Electronero Pulse App now on Google Play and iOs Test Flight App Store Connect

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Upcoming Hark Fork ETNXP/ETNXC


Main Net Hard Fork


ETN>ETNX) May 30, 2018 (9:00AM GMT) | ETN > ETNX

ETNX>ETNXP) Block 500,001 November 11, 2018 (12:00AM PST) | ETNX > ETNXP


ETNXP>ETNXC) March 01, 2018 (9:00AM GMT) | ETNXP > ETNXC

ETNXP>ETNXC) Block 660,001 March 01, 2019 (12:00AM PST) | ETNXP & ETNXC

Approximate Ratio


ETN>ETNX) 1:1 ETNX << ETN before hard fork

ETNX>ETNXP) 1:1 ETNXP << ETNX for parking ETNX in Electronero application or on ETNX wallet at participating exchanges.


ETNXP>ETNXC) 1:1 ETNXC << ETNXP from snapshot or for parking ETNXP in Electronero Pulse application or on ETNXP wallet at participating exchanges.

Total Max Supply

36,103,090.00000000 ETNX

500,000,000,000.00 ETNXP

500,000,000,000.00 ETNXC


Decentralized Hard Forks

Miner bonus reward program.

Camel Emissions

Electronero Passport Protocol

Joining Electronero Passport is as easy as 1, 2, 3 PM to Electronero Pulse Bot and follow the steps below. Replace email with your email address, password with a unique password, and code with a 5 digit numerical safety pin code to protect from unauthorized transfers.

#1) /createWallet email password receive an email verification letter, get verified via email only works for accounts which don't exist i.e. new accounts

#2) /secureWallet email password code prepare a 5 digit code and add a pin to your account

#3) /openWallet email password opens your wallet to check your balance

Technical Roadmap 2018

April 2018

Start of the Electronero project.

May 2018

Public Testnet launches.

May 2018

Beginning of Bounty Program, Smart Mobile Wallet w/ Contracts development project round 1 funded

May 2018

Bulletproof RCT's & Ring Signatures Enabled

May 2018

Mobile Smart Contracts and Mobile Bounty development started

June 2018

Main Net launch & Exchange Listing

July 2018

Cryptonight FAST POW algo implemented on main net

July 2018

Infrastructure Expansion, Bounty Program upgrade

August 2018

Release of Mobile Smart Wallets, closed and public beta

September 2018

Hard Fork Announcements

October 2018

Start of the Electronero Pulse project.

November 2018

Public Main Net launches. Exchange Listings.

December 2018

Bounty Program begins


Lead Blockchain Developer, Technical Advisor
Official Community Manager
Indonesian Community Support
African Community Support
Thor's Hammer
Mining Pool Partner etnx.thorshammer.cc
Russian Community Support
Italian Community Support
Official Electronero Mining Pool
Youtuber & Mobile Mining Advisor
Mining Advisor AMD/GPU | Mining Site Operator
Official Electronero Mining Pool
Official Electronero Mining Pool
Official Electronero Mining Pool
Mining Partners | Hash Factory
Mining Partners CryptoPool

Frequently asked questions

Below we’ve provided answers to some frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the contact form below.

Electronero is a hard fork of Electroneum. Deployed in May with no ICO, decentralized and issued to anyone who held ETN outputs on the blockchain before block 307,000. All ETN owners before block 307,000 are ETNX owners.

Electronero Pulse, a mineable gaming coin, is a hard fork of Electronero. All ETNX owners before block 500,000 are ETNXP owners and ETN holders before block 307,000 are also included in the snapshot. All ETNX owners before block 500,000 are ETNXP owners.

To be safe, you may follow our guide:

1: Keep our ETN secure in your web wallet or preferred Exchange storage.

2: Create an ETN paper wallet, or an ETN desktop wallet before the snapshot occurs on block # 307,000

3: Transfer some or all of our ETN tokens to your ETN paper wallet, or ETN desktop wallet before the snapshot occurs on block # 307,000

4: Transfer our ETN back to the ETN web wallet or preferred Exchange storage for safe keeping after the blockchain snapshot on block # 307,000

5: Retrieve your private spend and view keys, along with our address and/or mnemonic seed word key from the ETN wallet you transferred tokens to on step 3

6: Restore our paper wallet / desktop wallet on ETNX network and claim our Electronero ETNX from ETN outputs existing on both blockchains.

To be safe, you may follow our guide:

1: Keep our ETNX secure in our Electroneron mobile wallet or preferred participating Exchange storage.

2: Automatic Simultaneous Distribution of 1:1 ETNXP:ETNX and 1:1000000 ETNX:ETNXP occurs and after the snapshot is taken and our hard fork is finalized we may claim our 1:1 ETNXP outputs on Electronero Pulse blockchain and also our 1:1000000 ETNX outputs on Electronero network.

ETNX Details: Our ETNX will be restorable on Electronero network. 8 decimals coin unit. 36 million total coin supply. Low emissions.

ETNXP Details: Our ETNXP will be restorable on Electronero Pulse network. 2 decimals coin unit. 500 billion total coin supply. High emissions.

We are providing 24/7 support to the Electronero community, you can get in touch with the Electronero support via email, Telegram, or Twitter.

Yes. And always will be.

Yes. Electronero is based on CryptoNote Monero which is completely anonymous and untraceable.

No, this is a independent decentralized, educational project built by the community to create a fair and secure environment to its users. We support community driven blockchain projects while learning and sharing knowledge with the community.

We are always looking for help, if you are have skills or ideas to improve Electronero feel free to send us an email or contact us on Social Media.

Contact Us

Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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